Fascination: Alarm

So, let’s recapitulate: We said that «Fascination» the book from Sally Hogshead talks about seven «triggers» to make us, people of business, to make offers unique and according to our strenghts. Up today, we covered Lust, Prestige, Vice, Mystique, Trust and Power. It let’s us to cover one more: Alarm.

I must confess that of all, Alarm is the one I feel is the worst. When someone tries to alarm me to act -like some kind of green pacifiers of ambient issues-  they only make me angry, not interested or ready to act. It’s a counter motivator for me; maybe except for the deadlines at work, who can «make the trick» to motivate me, but not at my best.

Also, I had to said: this was the worst video of the series. I Know that for many of you could be good -even better- than others, so it’s my opinion alone, and we can be in different sides of the «7 color rainbow» of fascination triggers. (Maybe that’s why I left it at the end of the series). So, if my warning didn’t keep you from seeing, it’s here the video:


4 comentarios

  1. Hi Gonzalo,

    I can see how using alarm can get results faster. But like you said, it would probably annoy me. I don’t like the pressure and I like to take time to make the right decision. But then again, maybe a business person who isn’t sure their offer is the best decision may need to use Alarm tactics to get the sale faster!

    Thank you for sharing the videos because this is something I would have never found on my own!


    • Gwen:

      Maybe other kind of trigger gets better for you. By reading your blog, I think you are more of a Trust or Power kind of people (I find your advice sound and clear, so trusty; but also I get you an authority position by the high quality of the advice). Why don’t take the {F}Test and comment your result? You can do the test here.

  2. Hola Jane!

    The Sally’s book is «Fascination», and she talks about the seven triggers to it. Yes, it’s like the seven sins, but I don’t know why she had 7 better than 9 or 6. (Maybe she can comment on this).

    When you see the other triggers’ videos, you will notice that this is the… well, the worst. (I remember you that Alarm is my personal anti-trigger).

    Thanks and keep reading. There are more surprises in this topic this week!.


  3. Hola Gonzalo-

    I have not read Sally Hogshead book «triggers». Now, I am intrigued. Her video stand out and aligned with the word Alarm. First thing that came to mind is the 7 deadly sins and wonder if the book is a spin-off of that. There are so many books out there and hard to keep track of. Thank you for the review. Gracias. Jane

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