Feel like a Failure?

Reading some blogs from members of #Blog30 challenge, I found this interesting history from Marie Forleo, a blogger specialized in make «women entrepreneurs live rich, happy and hot». Its about failure. She cited Russel Simons’ said (and she’s paraphrasing): “Many of my biggest business endeavors were failures before they became a success. Some failed for as long as six years before they hit.  Everyone around me thought I was crazy. You just have to stay at it.”· And I agree with both of them.

Marie also wrote: «Anyone who accomplishes great things in business and life is bound to “fail” along the way. Feeling like a failure is a natural part of becoming a success. It’s actually a good thing and means you’re taking action and putting yourself out there. Which is WAY more than most critics and naysayers have the balls to do. I’ll be the first to admit I feel like a failure.  Often.»

Well, in some moments I feel that way. Even today, in which this blog hits his lower point since launched. But I re read Marie last lines: «Legendary success in any field requires a shit ton of stick-to-it-ness. When you know you’re meant to birth an idea into existence, take it from Russell, David, Frank and yours truly:  feeling like a failure often means you’re moments away from your biggest success.»

I already comment in her post, but I think you NEED to read that one complete! Thanks, Marie for the Advice! I will keep going at least all the #Blog30 Challenge long. And to the infinite and beyond! (that line is not from Marie, but… It is useful too!!)

(You can read all Marie post here)

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