Yesterday asked that, additional to #FF or #FollowFriday, we use the #hashtag created by @eseMendiola, #Cuate, in order to mexicanize that Twitter tradition. In a comment, Professor Mendiola told us that, besides my explication, Cuate also implies:
para mexicanizar esta costumbre en Twitter. Adicionalmente, en un comentario, el maestro Mendiola nos dijo que, aparte de lo señalado, Cuate también implica:
In nahuatl (aztec language) “cuate” also connects with a very special and sacred being in prehispanic cosmovision: the snake or «coatl». Applied to a person, that word meaning is
someone working on the good of the Earth and that know how to weave the threads with others, making the net or «rebozo» of good society».
That’s why I’m grateful with next Twitter #Cuates and I will send them by DM the link to their gifts.
#FF with comments, or use of #Cuate (Two books and graphics)
- faroviejo
- breccar
- Weskerito
- _trinsky
- juliozaragoza
- eseMendiola
- elobservadortap
- guibauti
- Kris_HelianeRB
- jennyjop
- LePigalle
- Donvix
- juliaestela
- Hermanita_
- JoseMNoriega
- Gabrielgarago
#FF listing(One book and graphics)
- cyberprimo
- AdriArburu
- El_Enigma
- noemayo
- olgageorgina
- mure04
- CiriloGR
- jorgemarra
- elagronomo
- aguilareal542
Other mentions (One book)
- geroberto
- gotangelica
- genotorres
- adanvecindad
- MayaNeconi
- srtalee
- myrdom
- Balbinna
- carretoso
- xclaus
- anaschwarz
- Tete_garcia
- ReynosaBlogs
- wera_supernova
- lolavenganza
- soren_li
- aerodi
- negrettiy
- rosemcid
- fjespriella
- MonikaMDQ
- fantaguayaba
- gigio
- Eucaris1919
If I forgot to mention someone, or if it’s on the wrong list, notify me and I will correct (or erase) names.