Economía Sin Dolor, 17 de Junio

Nuestro podcast sobre economía aplicada de los jueves. En esta ocasión, sobre los 40,000 mexicanos que viajaron al Mundial de Sudáfrica, y los 8,000 millones de pesos que gastarán allá.

Thanks to Coach Jane Lee for her input in using AudioBoo to easily share a podcast!

5 comentarios

  1. Gonzalo:

    I am having a difficult time finding your podcast via

    I clicked on link and it redirects to the june 17 blog post in English.

    At the bottom of your post, I click podcast and redirects to your blog. Then I clicked English version and page takes me to Blogs Sobre English Version.

    Having the hardest time finding the actual podcast. Can you send link. How have your readers find the podcast link?


    • Jane:

      Ready. The link to the AudioBoo podcast is now clearly indicated.
      Thanks for report me the incorrect link.
      I am considering to move outside of to other host, because it's too limited. I see in your blog the AudioBoo control. It looks very elegant, and is useful too! But I can't insert it directly, it's necessary to open new window.

      Thanks for coment, and I hope you visit June 17th and today Podcast!!



  2. Jane:

    I do the english version of "Economía sin dolor/Economy without pain" as you suggested. You can hear it here: (even if the in and out are still in spanish). Please comment it!!



  3. Hola Gonzalo

    Would like you to do an Audio Boo on this post in English. Muchas Gracias.

    Coach Jane Lee

    • Jane:

      Thanks again for your original advice!! I'm trying to figure out how to link adequately AudioBoo and a blog -that did not accept scripts- and I will try to do the english version soon. Thanks for your comments. And Sally and I had a special gift for readers, so don't forget to come tomorrow if you like!!


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