Dr. Héctor Ñaupari
Doctor Héctor Ñaupari will be on Mexico City presenting his new book «Libertad para Todos» (Freedom for All). I already read it, and there are three ideas he comments:
1.- Liberals had over emphasized the role of economics. That`s why, in the defense of it’s arguments, they focus too much in market freedom, and in very technical language, boring for most of the people.
2.- Liberals had failed in create a mythical, example icon. When others (like socialist) had Che Guevara, Silvio Rodriguez or Pablo Milanes, there is no similar figure who sang to liberty successfully, in the form others defend equality.
3.- Liberals had stop writing poetry. There is near a century the freedom did not had good poets who inspires all the citizens.
I will getting deeper on this three ideas in this blog, because part of the arguments I will presented on the presentation of the book «Libertad para Todos» (Freedom for all) this week. I hope you can make it to the event.
Héctor Ñaupari is a peruvian Lawyer, writer and Poet. He is president of the Instituto de Estudios de la Acción Humana (Institute for studies of human action) and vicepresident of RELIAL. He is also an important voice defending the freedom for all.
Anyone who can join us, the book presentation will be held this july 29; 19:00 hours, at the Librería Conejo Blanco – White Rabbit Bookstore (Amsterdam 67, Condesa) on Mexico City, D.F. Commentators will be Ambassador Oscar Maúrtua de Romaña (Representing of OAS in México and former Minister of Foreign Affairs from Peru) and the author of the blog https://gjsuap.com (That’s me!). Invite to this presentation the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Für Die Freiheit and RELIAL.
There is free entrance, previous confirmation by email in ana.lopez @ fnst.org and is a good opportunity to meet on person with anyone who can and want to go. I hope to see you there!!