Etiqueta: Guest Blogger
Rompiendo la inercia
La magia de Veracruz
A Puerta Cerrada – ¿Reconocimiento a legisladores? ¡Mis polainas, qué!
Leo Zuckermann propone que hay que felicitar a los políticos que trabajan bien. A Puerta Cerrada nuestro colaborador @El_Enigma dice… que no está de acuerdo.
A puerta cerrada: Adiós, López Obrador, Adiós Adiós…
Emprender o emplearse
A puerta cerrada – 3
Bienvenido, pase en lo que cierro la puerta. En esta ocasión usted y Yo tenemos que platicar de algo que muy pocos saben, muchos ya olvidaron y casi nadie tiene la verdad. Ya viene y muchos dicen que no pero lo mas interesante de todo es que nadie cree en…
Behind closed doors – Zero
Since I took that course in history, on November 11th, 2004, I never think I could get certain pleasures that having a blog had offered me. Say, I could put here my curriculum vitae of the blog / my job / virtual area /etc. but it never could be the…
Tomorrow, «Behind closed doors»
When you write a blog, you construct relations and links to other people. It’s your own space, but in order to have sense, you have to share it. First, with the readers. Then, when people who had the interest of writting comments and share his views on the themes. And…
The Joy of Blogging for an International Audience
By Guest Blogger, Gwen Tanner. Part of the joy of meeting Gonzalo in the 30-Day Blog Challenge in June, was that I came to understand some of the issues of international bloggers. I remember Gonzalo was a little concerned that his blog was written in Spanish. I was a little…
Rompiendo la inercia
La magia de Veracruz
A Puerta Cerrada – ¿Reconocimiento a legisladores? ¡Mis polainas, qué!
Leo Zuckermann propone que hay que felicitar a los políticos que trabajan bien. A Puerta Cerrada nuestro colaborador @El_Enigma dice… que no está de acuerdo.
A puerta cerrada: Adiós, López Obrador, Adiós Adiós…
Emprender o emplearse
A puerta cerrada – 3
Bienvenido, pase en lo que cierro la puerta. En esta ocasión usted y Yo tenemos que platicar de algo que muy pocos saben, muchos ya olvidaron y casi nadie tiene la verdad. Ya viene y muchos dicen que no pero lo mas interesante de todo es que nadie cree en…
Behind closed doors – Zero
Since I took that course in history, on November 11th, 2004, I never think I could get certain pleasures that having a blog had offered me. Say, I could put here my curriculum vitae of the blog / my job / virtual area /etc. but it never could be the…
Tomorrow, «Behind closed doors»
When you write a blog, you construct relations and links to other people. It’s your own space, but in order to have sense, you have to share it. First, with the readers. Then, when people who had the interest of writting comments and share his views on the themes. And…
The Joy of Blogging for an International Audience
By Guest Blogger, Gwen Tanner. Part of the joy of meeting Gonzalo in the 30-Day Blog Challenge in June, was that I came to understand some of the issues of international bloggers. I remember Gonzalo was a little concerned that his blog was written in Spanish. I was a little…