¡Bienvenido a Dichos y Bichos!
Este es el video más reciente. Es el resumen de la entrada Crecimientos y cambios; ahora a radicalizar las metas.. También te invito a ver nuestras principales secciones y las entradas más nuevas. Si te suscribes a las Frases Famosas, recibirás nuestras postales de lunes a viernes en tu correo. ¡No dejes de recibir tu libro gratis al suscribirte al Boletín! Espero que encuentres interesantes historias para aprender, sorprenderte y divertirte.
¿Quieres suscribirte?
Bueno, ya logramos otro momento importante de esta versión del blog. Ahora, en la barra lateral aparece la opción para suscribirse a las notificaciones por correo electrónico a la información especial que tenemos para ustedes. La suscripción es fácil y rápida, y pueden retirarse de la lista a voluntad, si…
Economy Without Pain – June 24th
Listen! Economy without pain, our thursday’s podcast. If get endorsement for a celebrity is a big deal for a company, there is also a risk of losing if he or she fails. When Rolex sponsors the Roland Garros Tournament, both win. But in the other side, when Tiger Woods proves…
The crazy in the vest
I have been writing about Antanas Mockus’ phenomena and his «failure» at not winning the colombian presidential election (hey! He didn’t get even! He lost 2-to-1) eventless he was a phenomenal citizen candidate: not in a traditional party; good name and with public service tradition, an creative proposal and with…
How much worth a political party?
When we read the previous polls in Colombia, who states that there were a virtual tie between presidential candidates Santos and Mockus, and then we verify the results, when Santos get twice the Mockus’ votes (46% to 21%, with 49% participation rate), there was a question. «What happened then?». Happened…
And the Sunflower did not tide
Welcome, come in…
Have arrived here, noble traveler. Extend your feet, get a rest. The trip of the life has been long and difficult, but not ended yet. Get here some «Saids» to read. Ear here some refrains you must know. Or maybe not. The important situation is that you are here, now.…
Economy Without Pain, July 1st.
On June 27th, Miguel Gómez Mont started a fight in the VIP area of Soccer City Stadium on Southafrica, who ended when local police goes in. Sadly, the fight was between mexicans. That the General Director of National’s Allowance for Tourist Promotion (FONATUR in spanish) and brother of the Ministry…
Changes go on
As I said, this blog is in process of moving from hosting in WordPress.com, to another host, but developed on WordPress. In the next days, you will see some changes, driping changes, but you will notice them. The problem is that maybe you discovered some turbulences: links broken, lost tags…
Unlike any other
Well, this is the last post I do on «Radical Careering». I know that or you already grab your free copy of the book, or nothing I can do or say will convince you. And it’s okay. I’m very gladd that Sally Hogshead let me share it with my readers,…
Ended but not finished
On July 1st. I ended the «#Blog30 Challenge». It let me with the habit of writting at least 150 words every day for my blog. It will not be easy, but even if the challenge had ended, I’m not finished on blogging. Maybe it will be shorter, maybe it will…