Oil spill, who will pay?

Speaking of the oil (Petroleum) spill of the Deepwater Horizon platform, I found this post from Senator  Adriana González Carrillo (PAN-Party Elected). I want to recommend it! Her diagnostic is precise and I hope that she can, in her senatorial labor, make better laws on the issue.

Also I want to recommend, during July, my article about this theme on Excelsior’s Newspaper  Codigo Topo Magazine, available  here (link is to frontpage; the article is on pages 58 to 63 in e-magazine; 56 to 61 on printed one). As it’s most recent, it had updated figures; also does a historic review of the worst spills in history, and does an analysis of economic theory and law. True, I had more space on 6 planes than in the original column from the senator. I’m sorry, not in english (and is difficult to do automatic translation, because it’s image).

If you prefer, even with less resolution than the newspaper site, you can download the complete article on PDF here: Who will pay the cost of the spill? (10.9 Mb, PDF format). Next, the original post from Senator González, in Spanish:

El Derrame Petrolero y sus efectos.

El derrame petrolero y sus efectosEn lo que podría ser la mayor calamidad ambiental en la historia reciente, el derrame petrolero del 20 de abril en el Golfo de México ha producido múltiples y graves efectos nocivos en distintos frentes. El hundimiento de la plataforma Deepwater Horizon, desde donde la British Petroleum y sus socios, Halliburton y Transocean, hacían maniobras de extracción y exploración altamente riesgosas, se ha convertido en uno de los desafíos más importantes … Leer más

via Apuntes de Política Internacional

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